• Preparation 2 launch

    We are launching a major update to our Preparation instrument on August 7th. Preparation 2 is a ground-up rewrite with all new features to the physical model, as well as a new effects unit and modulation with 2 LFOs, velocity and keyboard tracking. The model now contains a dynamic fret alongside the rattle, and all new excitations from a custom pluck designer, a bowing mechanism and side-chain audio.

  • Modus with side chain audio

    We’ve updated Modus to v1.3. There is a new feature that allows side chaining of external audio into the Plates configuration. The set up for this depends on the DAW.

  • Our new instrument

    Our new instrument Modus will be launching on July 11th! Modus is based on physical models of strings, plates and connecting elements. Three different configurations of models allow for a huge range of timbres, from leads to pads and evolving soundscapes.

  • Exploring parameter spaces with DATABROTH

    In these 2 videos DATABROTH explores the parameter spaces of Preparation and Derailer. Starting from a basic instrument setup he works through the parameters of each plugin in a real-time demonstration, resulting in a creative exploration of their sonic potential.

  • Preparation tutorial

    Our new physical modelling instrument ‘Preparation’ is out now. This post provides an overview of the plugin and its parameters. Preparation uses mathematical models of two basic elements; a string and a rattle. Each voice of the plugin is an instance of two strings and a rattle that connects them together, and there is 8-voice polyphony.

  • Derailer Quad setup in Logic, Live and Studio One

    We have released a special version of Derailer for 4-channel audio setups, Derailer Quad. This places you at the heart of the resonator system, giving an immersive sound environment. In this post we show you how to set up the plugin in Logic Pro, Ableton Live and Studio One.

  • Derailer tutorial – Resonator

    In this post we examine the resonator section of our physical modelling instrument Derailer. The plugin uses mathematical models of three basic elements; stiff strings, metal bars, and nonlinear springs.

  • Derailer tutorial – Driver

    In this post we will look at the driver section of our physical modelling instrument Derailer. The plugin uses mathematical models of three basic elements; stiff strings, metal bars, and nonlinear springs. Details can be found in this technical paper. The driver section uses the stiff string element which can be plucked or bowed, alongside effects units such as a low-pass filter.

  • All new Derailer, Dual Spring Reverb and Dynamic Plate Reverb released

    We have released all new versions of our physical modelling instrument Derailer, and our Spring and Plate reverbs. These now support both macOS with AU, VST3 and AAX plugins, and Windows 10 with VST3 and AAX. Derailer has been redesigned to incorporate a driver/resonator setup, expanding the range of elements to include plucked or bowed …

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